
Advanced solutions & frameworks
for space technologies.

Core Flight System

The Core Flight System (CFS) is a range of services for command, telemetry and other onboard flight software applications including the Core Flight Executive (cFE). cFE is an application development and run-time environment providing a set of core flight software services. The cFE Software Bus service provides a publish and subscribe messaging system that allows applications to easily plug and play into the system. We have contributed significantly to the development of CFS and continue to support new spacecraft and flight software applications.



The XINA system is an end-to-end instrument data pipeline that has supported numerous space missions, including Curiosity and MAVEN. XINA processes instrument telemetry into organized databases, allowing rapid development of powerful, and sometimes unanticipated, visualizations. The web-based user interface eliminates the need to support a distributed application and cloud-based database server allows scalability to grow with missions.


Hyperspectral Analytics

Hyperspectral Analytics is a data processing system for hyperspectral imagery. The web-based system represents a new paradigm in that algorithms are uploaded to the data instead of downloading data to be processed locally. The rationale is the data images are too large to be efficiently moved through networks.


SpaceWire Test Set

SpaceWire has evolved to the primary interface onboard NASA spacecraft. The SpaceWire test set software was developed to support the development and test of systems using space wire including subsystems and instrument. In addition to test the software is easily modified to simulate systems which use SpaceWire.